Generate NetCrunch SSL certificate with Microsoft Certificate Authority server

Learn how to use certificates generated by Microsoft Certificate Authority to secure Web Access connection to the NetCrunch server.

Preparing certificate files

In order to set a secure Web Access connection to NetCrunch, you need to set a path to three files:

Server Certificate
issued for a machine where NetCrunch was installed
Root certificate
which was used for signing the server certificate
Private key
which matches the server certificate

Therefore, when using certificate exported from the Certificate Store, first and foremost you have to be sure, that all these components can be extracted from the .pfx file.

This is the main reason why the mark this key as exportable checkbox has to be checked when importing a server certificate to the Certificate Store:

importing exportable private key

Exporting certificate components

Now, having properly imported the certificate into the Certificate Store, you can export the .pfx file containing elements required for setting up a secure Web Access connection.

  1. Run Computer Certificates Manager, select certificate, right-click on it and from the context menu chose 'export': export certificate
  2. Mark checkbox 'Yes, export the private key': Export private key
  3. Mark also the option Include all certificates in the certification path if possible: all certificates Once YourExportedServerCert.pfx (or whatever it may be named) file is exported, you can finally extract all three components into different files and set a path to them.

Extracting certificate components

Run OpenSSL (there are binary distributions for selected operating systems, simple browser search should return plenty of them, ready for use) and type these three commands (remember: if the .pfx file was exported with password protection, OpenSSL will ask for it):

OpenSSL> pkcs12 -in YourExportedServerCert.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out server.crt
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -in YourExportedServerCert.pfx -cacerts -nokeys -out root.crt
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -in YourExportedServerCert.pfx -nocerts -out private.key

In this case, private.key will be encrypted and thus you need to set up a password for it. This will be the next step (notice 'Private key password' field on the next screen).

Enabling certificate in NetCrunch WebAccess console

Once these files are extracted from the .pfx file, set a path to each one of them in NetCrunch (ToolsOptionsServer):

enable secure WebAccess connection

Voilà, secure Web Access connection is ready:

WebAccess login page

This feature requires NetCrunch version 10.1+


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